Tuesday, February 5, 2013

Barack Obama and the Illuminati agenda

President Obama, State of the Union Address, 2011

by Matthew Ward, January 4, 2012.

Some doubt that Barack Obama is the highly evolved light being that we and other messengers have told you he is, and he is perceived as following in the footsteps of the Illuminati. You will see for yourselves the truth of what we have said, but because his role in your world is of paramount importance, we shall speak about his position vs the Illuminati agenda.

First, though, my mother has been inundated with emails from people who expressed grave concerns about the ominous-sounding defense authorization bill, so we shall address this issue. Obama signed the bill not because he favors it, but because he knows it will not be in effect long enough to have much, if any, application.

We have mentioned in several messages that all enacted or proposed laws in any country that were devised with dark purpose will be stricken. Nullifying all unjust and injurious laws, regulations and policies and ending all harmful systems and practices are integral aspects of clearing the way for Earth’s Golden Age.

Now then, at one time Obama had the staunch backing of some individuals in one of the two factions within the Rockefeller group of the Illuminati. To give some background here, the name Illuminati, which means “enlightened” or “illumined,” dates back only to the late 18th century, but the darkness that inspired the original members had its roots in antiquity. That little band of Europeans simply gave themselves the name they felt they deserved, and in time, Illuminati became the “umbrella” name of the many disparate organizations or groups that successive members infiltrated or formed.

In accordance with the Illuminati’s intent to attain positions of superiority over the masses, they expanded their outreach to the “New World.” Members in Europe became known as the Rothschild group and those in the colonies, the Rockefeller group. The two groups worked in unison to dominate countries economically and politically, and within only a few decades after the United States won independence from British rule, the Illuminati had gained firm foothold in the nascent government. From then on they have been that nation’s “silent government”—not all presidents have been members, but others who were have controlled the even more powerful Congress.

After ego, greed and lust for top billing destroyed the cohesiveness of the two groups, both continued pursuing the same goal of world domination and this common quest led to bloody battles for supremacy. Eventually those characteristics that caused the rift between the two groups created infighting within each group. That resulted in animosity and struggles for dominance in the group’s opposing factions, and when fighting broke out within the factions, they splintered into smaller units.

Whether the groups’ factions and the splinter units within the factions are headquartered east or west of the Atlantic Ocean, they operate around the world and the name Illuminati applies to all. They don’t speak of themselves by that name, there is no membership roster per se, and their only point of agreement is entitlement to rule the world by whatever means it takes.

Going forward now, one of Rockefeller faction’s splinter units was determined to have Hillary Clinton become US president. Naturally, another unit was opposed, and in exploring prospects with the potential to become the public’s choice, they decided that Obama was the best. Yes, elections have been manipulated for 200 years more or less, but after the split in the Rockefeller camp emerged, both factions and later their splinter units have had a hand in the rigging. After the outcry when the Supreme Court declared George W. Bush the victor in an election, candidates’ popularity with voters was a consideration in 2007’s primary election—people had to return to believing that their voices and votes counted.

Without the power of any Illuminati behind him, Obama could not have risen to become the Democratic party’s nominee, the essential first step to his election as president, and this was known to the master planners of Earth’s Golden Age. The soul who embodied as Barack Obama, the souls who would back him many years later, and all of you who clamored to participate in Earth’s ascension process knew that too, but none remembers.

Also it was known that the infusion of light to Earth would raise the collective consciousness and spiritual clarity. That would precipitate the peoples’ focus on ending wars, injustices, deceit, corruption, impoverishment and tyranny, all of which have been perpetrated, perpetuated or assisted by the Illuminati.

If linear time prevailed throughout the universe instead of only on Earth, none of that foreknowledge could have existed and none of the detailed planning could have happened. In the continuum, where past, present and future are NOW and all lifetimes are happening simultaneously, the highest council in the universe could make the master plan and set the stage for Earth’s Golden Age.

The plan calls for Obama to take leadership of his country and initiate wide-reaching reforms without hindrance during these last stages of third density life. Instead, he has had to deal with both Illuminati factions and their units. It was right after he won the primary election and his backers laid out their complete agenda that serious disagreements arose, and before his first day in office, everyone who had opposed his nomination, all who had selected him, and the controllers of the Republican party regarded him as the ultimate foe. The mantra of the candidates for that party’s nomination—make Obama a one-term president—came from the Illuminati.

The Obama family is surrounded with Christed light protection and the several assassination attempts on Barack have failed. So, Illuminati members in Congress and those whom they control by bribery, death threats or blackmail fight him tooth and nail; some reforms he envisioned for his country and the world are in tatters and others haven’t seen the light of day.

What went awry? Why didn’t the highest council in the universe know this could happen? The peak of the Illuminati, highly evolved souls the council trusted to return to the light forces after playing “dark” roles so massive numbers of souls could complete third density karma, became captivated by their power, spiraled into darkness and refused to honor their soul level contracts. Although their deeply entrenched global network has been uprooted, the US Congress is one of their few remaining pockets of influence.

We love all souls unconditionally and judge none, and we are apolitical, to use your word. Thus it isn’t comfortable to speak of issues that are politically divisive in nature, but we must. However could we help you to consciously and spiritually prepare to physically accompany Earth into higher densities if we never mention that she is through with everything you think of as evil, and all of it has sprung from darkly inclined individuals in ruling bodies or the ones who control them from behind the scene?

You need to know why your world became a hotbed of corruption and deception and bloodshed, why Earth reached the point of near death and called out for help, why other civilizations came to her rescue, why the Golden Age was planned. All of that is why you are where you are!

Our beloved brothers and sisters, look forward with exaltation to this dynamic year when truths and changes will be coming lickety-split. You are surrounded by unseen helpers, and other lighted souls throughout the universe also are showering you with love and respect—never before in this universe has anything been as momentous as the world you are co-creating!

Source: Message from Matthew, January 4, 2012.

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