Tuesday, June 7, 2011

Overview of the Illuminati- MATTHEW WARD

As dictated by Matthew Ward to Suzy Ward, April 26, 2010

The Illuminati is not an organization of card-carrying members, but rather the “umbrella” name of disparate groups and a large number of powerful individuals who have been controlling or heavily influencing the most important aspects of life throughout your world for centuries. In recent years they also have become known by other designations, such as the secret government, New World Order, dark cabal or the elitists; and they include the top figures in financial institutions, investment markets, multinational corporations, religions, education, media, military forces, judicial systems, entertainment, the medical “establishment,” regulatory and advisory bodies, royal families, Zionists.

They have controlled governments, started civil and international wars, caused famines and widespread impoverishment, created boom times for industrialists and depressions for the poor, released laboratory-designed viruses, assassinated opposition. They are the perpetrators of unjust laws, Satanic rituals, chemtrails and other toxic pollution, destruction of animal life on land and in the seas, mind control, the “illegal” drug industry, erosion of civil rights and denial of God-given freedoms, suppression or misuse of technology, political and ideological divisiveness. In short, the Illuminati have been profoundly adversely affecting all life on Earth—indeed, the very life of Earth herself!

It is because of the Illuminati’s long reign of bloodshed, corruption and oppression that about seven decades back in your linear time Earth was in death throes. Her cries of despair were a call for help, and God immediately authorized the assistance of spiritually, intellectually and technologically advanced civilizations to come to her aid. With such a massive infusion of light and technologies that you cannot even imagine, countless numbers of your universal family stabilized the planet’s orbit and performed other life-saving measures. Their invaluable assistance is in action this very day, some of it directed toward preventing the plans of the Illuminati from reaching fruition.

Some persons who are aware of the Illuminati’s existence believe that all of them are reptilians. Indeed some are, especially within the royal families, which have kept their bloodlines pure to a large extent, but humans also are in the Illuminati’s top ranks. Most reptilians are far advanced from Earth’s human civilization in intelligence and technological development and they have a strong warrior mentality; however, it is not the different DNA in the two races, but rather the free will choices made by an individual of any race that lead to diabolical activities. A soul may have greatly advanced intelligence and be bereft of light except the spark that is its life force.

And just as there are light-filled human souls throughout this universe, so are there light-filled reptilians. The latter group, who are eager to dispel the erroneous belief that their race is synonymous with darkness, are working side by side with humans and other races to thwart the efforts of their darkly-inclined siblings wherever they are wreaking havoc. Also, as the light has been intensifying on Earth, both reptilians and humans have left the dark camp and joined the ranks of the light forces.

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